THE WALL IS DOWN, OPEN FLOOR PLAN, SPACIOUS ONE BEDROOM 2 FULL BATHS!Stunning turn key unit at Siesta Harbor! Fabulous Lanai overlooking the canal! Beautiful heated pool, outdoor spa, shower, shuffleboard, barbecue area, clubhouse, full kitchen with fitness room, sauna, library... Siesta Harbor is located on the main intracoastal waterway! The fishing pier is perfect for evening get to gathers, watching the dolphin and manatees---beach access is through Crescent Arms, directly across the street,, The Trolley and Scat is right outside the door of the complex and is a very short walk to restaurants shops etc. Easy access on and off the key make this the perfect beach home!Priced to Sell--"You Deserve Paradise!" INTERIOR PHOTOS COMING THIS WEEKEND
THE WALL IS DOWN, OPEN FLOOR PLAN, SPACIOUS ONE BEDROOM 2 FULL BATHS!Stunning turn key unit at Siesta Harbor! Fabulous Lanai overlooking the canal! Beautiful heated pool, outdoor spa, shower, shuffleboard, barbecue area, clubhouse, full kitchen with fitness room, sauna, library... Siesta Harbor is located on the main intracoastal waterway! The fishing pier is perfect for evening get to gathers, watching the dolphin and manatees---beach access is through Crescent Arms, directly across the street,, The Trolley and Scat is right outside the door of the complex and is a very short walk to restaurants shops etc. Easy access on and off the key make this the perfect beach home!Priced to Sell--"You Deserve Paradise!" INTERIOR PHOTOS COMING THIS WEEKEND